
(906) 647-2420


(906) 293-6590

How do I make the Switch to Choice Propane?

With Choice Propane, making the switch is easy. Simply fill out the Become a Customer form, or call one of our locations and we will schedule a day that works best for both of us. When the switch actually happens someone will have to be home. Choice Propane will hook up your new tank, and do a Pressure Test / Safety Check on your complete propane system. We will set your old tank aside and let your current supplier know that they can pick it up.

When do I get my delivery?

Your tank will be put on route with the rest of the tanks in your area. Normally, you would receive a delivery 4 to 5 times each season, August thru April, and sometimes into May (depending on weather)

When do I pay?

When you get a delivery, our driver will leave a delivery ticket and a payment envelope on your door. This will be your only bill. With Choice Propane, all payments are due 15 days from delivery date.

Do you have a Pre-Buy program?

Yes. Available for both New and Existing customers. In August, Choice Propane sets the per gallon amount. You would pay for the whole year’s usage in full when you sign up for this option.

Do you have a Budget Plan?

Yes. A Budget plan is really simple. Annual usage x $___ /gal + 4% tax divided by the number of months left in the heating season thru May.

Do I have to pay a Tank Rent?

Choice Propane sizes your tank appropriately to eliminate any tank rental fees.

What if I need financial assistance with filling my tank?

The Michigan Propane Gas Association (MPGA) has launched a new website to help Michigan residents pay their heating bills. Click here for more information: HeatingMyHome.org